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Raymus's blog

Woo, Lyfe. Here's some updates about nothing particularly important.

I might jump back on DS2 in a bit soon because I've been craving some more.. Micro-Strategy slaughterin'. I've been playing Dragon's Dogma, (Freaking AMAZING game, might I add, I HIGHLY recommend it) and while it is a very strategy-ous game, it's more like Dark Souls rather than.. like, the original Dragon Age.


A passing thought.

A lot of armor from these games would look absolutely excellent in DS2, even if it's at the same resolution as our favorite '05 game. Ornaments could be used to make unique shoulder pauldrons and things that these armors have. Armors from;
Dragon Age- most armor from all the games

Original DS armor (We're already working on that though, lol.)

Fable: The Lost Chapters and the DLC in the anniversary. (Some of these could actually be made by retexturing armors already in DS2, I'd wager. The Leather armor, besides the daggers on it, for example.)


Throne of Agony!

So I'm about to get DS2 Throne of Agony for the PSP. It's only like $7 for a good copy, so I'm going to get it anyway, but I'm just curious. I've seen videos, and it seems a strange take on the DS formula. Has anyone here played it, own it still? How is it? I understand you're picking from characters, not playing your own, and that alone is kind of a bugger.


Was this always here?

I've never gotten to a particularly high level in DS2. (40-50 being where my highest characters have capped) As such, I wouldn't be surprised that there are things in the leveled lists I've never even seen. But I have never seen an instance of this weapon in-game except for when I found it around level 30-40 with the Aranna Legacy mod installed, and it was an optional choice for the shield or mace in Lorethal's set in that case.



How neat would it be to have DS mobs in MC? Just a fun thought I had. Was wandering through the jungle and realized "This place needs some freaking Hak'u."

I think I'm going to build some DS-inspired stuff.

Suggestions? I'm going to try to build the Teleporters first, even if they'll be a wee bit bigger than normal.

Maybe a couple of those dragon-flown troop crates that you see at the beginning. That'd be neat.
Morden Towers!


Fix all the things!

This is how I'm feeling right about now. Since I got the new Hard-drive for my Computer (Nothing special, just a humble 250 Gigs. It's ONLY for my games anyway.)

I've been overhauling my three computers.



Someone suggested Pillars of Eternity on my last blog, and I noticed from initial scanning of Google Images it looked like a.. Next-Gen type of DS, I suppose. Same game play style.
Then I watched the Angry Joe Review, If you haven't seen Angry Joe by the way, you'll love him, just search him up on Youtube.



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