Fix all the things! |
Submitted by Raymus on Mon, 2015-04-20 03:54 | || This is how I'm feeling right about now. Since I got the new Hard-drive for my Computer (Nothing special, just a humble 250 Gigs. It's ONLY for my games anyway.) I've been overhauling my three computers. blogs: |
Micromanaging |
Submitted by Raymus on Sun, 2015-04-12 04:12 | ||
Someone suggested Pillars of Eternity on my last blog, and I noticed from initial scanning of Google Images it looked like a.. Next-Gen type of DS, I suppose. Same game play style. blogs: |
Ee-wot? |
Submitted by Raymus on Thu, 2015-04-09 23:33 | ||
What's that, bare_elf? You're like super jelly of my new computer that I built? Kidding, of course. blogs: |
Broken World. |
Submitted by Raymus on Tue, 2015-04-07 13:10 | ||
ACTUALLY beat Broken World for the first time. Holy crap. I got pretty far before, but I don't think I managed to defeat the second surgeon and I gave up. I didn't appreciate challenge in games 2 years ago as much as I do now. And it wasn't until recently I dedicated the time to it. blogs: |
Map - Campaign Ideas |
Submitted by Raymus on Sun, 2015-04-05 01:04 | ||
People like to build maps here, I've heard, however time-taking they may be. blogs: |
Valley Peek v7.5 uploaded |
Submitted by Darkelf on Fri, 2015-04-03 23:25 | ||
v7.5 moved starting positions back to barn as was having trouble with resurrection placing heros on the map not moving. Added Bloodlust the siren, added evil versions of the hireables and the evil pillow squad lol just for fun. changed 3 gray chickens to red and white chickens, changed the 2 mules to be evil kicking mules. lowered summon of the spawns to max 3 to lessen the amount of number of monsters filling the screen and slowing the fps, which seems worse around the inn for some odd reason. blogs: |
Valley Peek 5.9 uploaded |
Submitted by Darkelf on Mon, 2015-03-30 23:38 | ||
Valley Peek 5.9 uploaded - fixed a few bugs added a few more bugs lol, added some lich and prairie dogs, changed a few npc, added a new circle of bones lich generator, still more to do later on but wanted to post an update of a few of the monster changes not much new otherwise blogs: |