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Photobucket issues

It appears that no longer supports the Opera Web Browser Version 12.17 Build 1863 Platform x64 System Windows 7. It only works with the latest version 28. Now the newest version of Opera I do not like. It assumes that it knows better than you what should be done. I hate computer companies that just assume that they know best.


Valley Peek v5.3 map uploaded, but still needs more done.

v5.3 added evil exploding Cows and Grey Chickens, added evil Pig, evil bat, raven and vultures.
added some mana and health bushes. Added Valdis. added Mimic summon, and a few other summons to the map, calling it v5.3 cause there have been 53 tanks of this map.

Notes-Pig anim is buggy, Cow anim is buggy due to fact Cow uses different anims than ds1, so using ds1 anims. Hireable NPCs still don't work...

Special note, better get a level 40+ character otherwise without a level adjuster ur party will wipe!



Hey everybody.

I know everyone is busy with life and stuff but I wanted to say a quick "HI" and check in with folks. Stop by and say hey when you get a chance.

HardLess's picture

Modding ideas

Hi guys,

It has been a long time since I have posted anything in here. I have been away for a little while due to personal stuff especially my studies.
I have been thinking a lot about modding potential in Dungeon Siege. But I don't have enough potential in order to make everything I would like.
So I'm posting today to make a call. I would like to create a little group with motivated people. If anybody with knowledge in modding want to participate I would be happy.

I have some ideas that I'll list, so you can say whatever you want on those:


Updated Mothra Pet

Updated Mothra Pet for Broken World yet again

version 3.5 changed Portrait Icon thanks to sigofmugmort for a nice screen shot of Mothra, updated broken world pet shop, test run broken world pet shop works, added icons for the power and the power works. Lessened the curse and health steal to 10% for baby pet as per sigofmugmort suggestion.

credits to sigofmugmort for testing and taking screen shots for which Mothra now has a new Portrait Icon. credits to iryan and Killergremal for their ds1 conversions which Mothra requires.


Useless Armor

I have a full set of DS1 armor, Boots Gloves, helm and body armor for someone who has never played the game or just puts stuff on because it looks nice.
This is the Body Armor - read the template carefully for a giggle or two.
doc = "n00b";
specializes = base_body_armor_cloth;
screen_name = "Stupid n00b";
armor_style = numb_nuts;
armor_type = a1;
f defense = 1250.000000;

//equip_requirements = dumb_ass:1;
inventory_height = 2;


Another day of updating the Valley Peek 4 map

Another day of updating the Valley Peek map, more npcs, more monsters, got Blacksmith and most shops working, having a problem rigging the Recruitables though, bah... Siege Editor 2 is so easy to use, just wish it would have had all the triggers etc already in the actors. Game play is still taking hits on the FPS, must be the new spell or too many monsters with red dots on screen, the game literally froze. so have to lessen the monster spells a tad bit...



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