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Welcome ProCreative

Hi, welcome to the site. Make sure to read the rules, and have fun


Status Check?

That feller, Loneknight, who was working on the Derelict project.
Is he still.. you know.. in existence? Looking through forums, not just on Siegetheday but on other old DS websites, and it doesn't even look like he left a message ever saying he quit. Just dropped off the face of the earth.
Which is a shame because it sounded like the mod he was working on, however crazily ambitious for Dungeon Siege and it's limitations, sounded like it showed promise. Plus he showed some passion about it.


I am going to scream

I was having an issue over the last few days on one of my computers where 99% of all male characters suddenly developed Silver Bodies. Did not matter if I were playing Vanilla DS2, Broken World or Adepts. The large and old were not impacted. So most Inn Keepers and Armor Vendors where okay. I removed all the mods from DS2 and the problem went away for Vanilla DS2 but not Broken World or Adepts. I had no mods installed in Broken World so could not remove any mods. Knowing the order of things. DS2 does not read BW or Adepts directories but Broken World uses DS2 Resources and Maps.


Valley Peek map for Broken World v4.0

Valley Peek map for Broken World v4.0 -

v3.0 - another update of the Valley Peek map, still probably some more work todo like forgot to update the Mimic to be harder but I wanted to present a newer version of the monsters in the map, just for the people to have something new to kill or should I say for the Monsters to kill the player, as they wiped my whole party to the graveyard.


Deathknight's Bane and ValleyPeek v2

-Deathknight's Bane Droog fight

-Deathknight's Bane Black Drake fight

-ValleyPeek v2 with radars, still needs more monsters added and few npc


Test run: DS1_Mod_Test_Summons.ds2res by iryan

Test run: DS1_Mod_Test_Summons.ds2res by iryan

- Horrid summon

- Krug Dog

- Dark Blood summon

- Summon Gray wolf

- Summon Gray wolf


confused again

The multi-player version of DS1 is the Utrean Peninsula. Legends of Utrae is a single player version of the Utrean Peninsula. So why would someone wish to play the single player version of the multi player game in multi player?



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