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Better Sounds v0.3

I've massively updated my Better Sounds mod!

It includes... a LOT of sounds now, and redoes some of the older ones I changed.

garthagain's picture

Progress Report - Dawn of the Third Age Map

While I lost some work done on Dawn of the Third Age when my Drive E was wiped clean, all was not lost. Fortunately I did have fairly up to date bacs of the more important work.
A great deal of what I have to redo is very tedious, time consuming manual corrections on object sizing. Way back when, when initially building the map I had set the size range on many objects to extend slightly beyond the default, 1. At some point I realized this was a mistake, for three reasons;


Dungeon Siege 1.25 Mod AKA Quarter Mod

What is the Quarter Mod?

To simplify the Quarter Mod would be a mod that'd add some functionality and features that Dungeon Siege II introduced - such as the character ring that shows your current state, or the color changing name over your head - into Dungeon Siege 1.

To the best of my understandings, it'd be relatively easy, but I could use some help and suggestions. All you have to do is point me towards the right files and lines of code so that I can replace/change/add them accordingly to overall improve Dungeon Siege 1.

Things I'd Like to Do:

garthagain's picture

How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

Jeez.... I shure am doing a lot of posts all in a row here. Looks like I'm living up to my handle, Garthagain. I hope you are finding these posts helpful, or at the very least, entertaining.

How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

To do this you have to use the Mod Exec. It doesn't work with the regular Exec.
1. Open the console with the tilde key.
2. Type in " bool gui "
3. Press enter
4. Exit the console.

garthagain's picture

Floating red damage numbers in DS2

Has anyone ever figured out how to get rid of those floating red damage numbers in DS2?

garthagain's picture

A Flick for opening Veteran and Elite levels in your map

There may modders still trying to figure out how to open the Veteran and Elite levels in their map. There is a relevant post on Siege The Day that helped me figure it out.

garthagain's picture

Dawn of the Third Age Preview

Did a preview video. It's the Morden siege of Eastport. I used a level 84 character in the Elite map.



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