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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween All. Remember do not eat all your candy at once!


Halloween comments (web)

Things from the web, various sites.
Unfollowryanross writes:
If you ever feel bad about yourself, just remember this one time in my english class, we were writing horror stories and one of the girls wrote "it was Friday the 13th, the night before Halloween" for her opening sentence. Insane

T-mom writes:
Get in the Halloween Spirit and make a ghost!
slightmahem replies:
That's called murder and I heard somewhere that is illegal.


Staring or Stairing

I went to the beach yesterday with two friends, because it was 75 and sunny and it is never like that in Half Moon Bay. Smile We went there to run. We ran from the Half Moon Bay Airport to San Gregorio Beach and then back. It is about 16 miles each way with an elevation change of about 463 feet, so almost flat. We did the round trip in just under 5 hours, if you do not count the time we stopped for lunch at the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company on the way back to the my SUV.


Did you fall into a vat?

Hey Kathy did you fall into a vat of vanishing cream and disappear? I have not you on the site. Maybe you washed away with all the rain.


Save File

Anyone have a 100% save file that will work on DS2 steam? I moved states and don't have all my things yet, or I'd have my hard drive and retail copy of DS2 and could load one of those saves. I've picked up another "Build Kalrathia" project, this time in Conan Exiles. But I need to be able to move around Kalrathia at my own leisure (or at least acquire a huge series of screenshots from every possible angle in every building and wall) and the saves I've found online don't seem to be picked up by Steam DS2.


More Funny Facts

In Indonesia, a person points with their thumb as it’s considered very rude to point with a forefinger. Laughing out loud

The Bahai People of Iran have their own calendar consisting of nineteen months each with nineteen days. Shock


blue canibal

if Hannibal lecter became a dungeon siege character would he look like this?



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