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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Araknuum's blog

Araknuum's picture

Thank You, Again and Again and Again!

First, Thank you Iryan for your insight into what breaks mods. Based on that, I tested each .dsres one at a time, in order of complexity, until I replicated the error. SM_Krug_AI, again! Smile

It seems I'm pushing these invaders too far, and I'm betting it's my tinkering with their [mind]'s which is breaking things. Last time I was having an error, there was an extraneous semicolon after a jat_brain I'd added a new string to.

Araknuum's picture

FLING!!!!!!!!! j/k but...

I am so angry! I want to say harsh words and fling inanimate objects! Why do savegames break!?

Araknuum's picture

It's almost TOO hard, so...

...Edgaar now GREATLY appreciates your help clearing his basement. Completion of the first side quest in Ehb now nets players a backpack and a Healing Hands spell in addition to the potions he normally gives. I found out that I can make him give you any item or spell, just by changing or adding to his [inventory] [pcontent]:

il_main = DSX_backpack_empty;
il_main = potion_health_small;
il_main = potion_mana_small;

Araknuum's picture

The Battle for The Ehbish (Ehbian?) Farm Lands!

Ehbites? :neutral:

Anyway, I got it all working. By all, I don't mean even half of what I started working on. I mean that I've edited Attack, Model Size, Movement Velocity, Tenacity, and Group Behavior for the 3 main enemy types you find between your farm and the burnt bridge. Unmodded currently are Snappers and Wolves. All Krug, Phrak*, Scrubb*, and Krug Dogs have changed, most significantly, the Krug. Phrak and Scrubb require more testing.

Araknuum's picture

Save_Game for a rainy day...

Today is another rainy one. There was work to do outside, but I am sitting, waiting out a storm.

My modding experience so far has taught me many valuable lessons, and greatly deepened my appreciation for gaming, along with the entirety of everyone who has ever made an impact on what it is today. Thank you all!

Araknuum's picture

Modding is a process...

Modding is a process of discovery and invention. For every new feature you add or variable you edit, there is something more to learn and experiment with.

I learned today that using the right dot gasses for LOA, where they apply, is vital to not breaking the game. I also learned that Mod Priority doesn't matter if something you modded breaks the game. I learned that [actor_evil] [mind]'s are fickle, and that modding poorly can break save games. Finally, I learned that I can add simple job permissions to templates.gas, and they seem to work:

Araknuum's picture

An Apology, an Update, and some DS1 Mod Talk.

I left here abruptly, with work I'd volunteered for standing unfinished, and for that, I'm sorry. I want to apologize mainly to Iryan for having agreed to work on his mod before I vanished. Please forgive me.

I moved shortly after I started helping on ds2 Yesterhaven, and my priorities moved in turn, so that it is only now that I can make my way back to dungeon siege and modding the hell out of it.



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