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And your little dog too!

So, I always thought the little white dogs that roam around Arhok were kind of cute. I thought if they were dark, they would look sort of like Toto from the movieThe Wizard of Oz.

So I made a new texture for a little black dog...except he really is more of a grey color. Here he is with the original little white dog.

I thought it would be cute to have a summon like the npc summon, and the dog gets added into the party along the lines of a packmule.

He does fight too:

But the odd thing is his portrait won't show up, even though I can select him, have my character follow him, I can even make him invincible. But no portrait. (and yes, I did make one, and it is the correct size and so on. )

The other thing too is that I based his template on the packmule's and Toto doesn't level up like the packmule does. His health and mana stay the same with a regular character and a "Drdeath" character. So, any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Sorry, I know the template looks weird here on the page).

category_name = "1W_character";
doc = "puppy";
specializes = actor_good;
can_level_up = true;
strength = 5, 0;
intelligence = 8, 0;
dexterity = 6, 0;
portrait_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_na_toto;
life_recovery_unit = 1;
life_recovery_period = 3;

mana_recovery_unit = 1;
mana_recovery_period = 6;

model = m_c_na_pac_1;
textures:0 = b_c_na_dg_1976;
material = teeth;
[die] { priority = high; * = s_e_die_krug_dog; }
attack_range = 0.5;
damage_max = 3;
damage_min = 7;
avg_move_velocity = 4.550000;
body_anterior = bip01_head;
body_mid = bip01_spine1;
body_posterior = bip01_pelvis;
kill_bone = bip01_spine1;
shield_bone = bip01_l_hand;
weapon_bone = bip01_r_hand;
chore_prefix = a_c_na_pac_fs;
chore_stances = 0;
skrit = select_attack;
[anim_files] { 00=su; }
chore_stances = 0;
skrit = infinite_loop;
[anim_files] { 00=ds; }
chore_stances = 0;
skrit = select_transition;
[anim_files] { 00=di; }
chore_stances = 0;
skrit = select_fidget;
chore_stances = 0;
skrit = select_walk;
[anim_files] { 00=wl; }
membership = hero;
auto_expiration_class = never;
forced_expiration_class = never;
[defend] { defense=3; }
jat_fidget = world\ai\jobs\common\job_fidget.skrit
?curious = 0.8
&move_distance = 15.0
&friend = 0.8
&social = 0.8
&social_limit = 8
&social_limit_dist = 20.0
&wander = 0.8
&wander_limit = 8
&wander_limit_dist = 20.0
&friends = hero
&interest = interest
&still = false;

on_enemy_spotted_alert_friends = false;
on_enemy_spotted_attack = true;
//actor_attacks_others_in_icz = false;
on_enemy_entered_ocz_flee = true;
inner_comfort_zone_range = 3;
outer_comfort_zone_range = 8;
personal_space_range = 0.7;
melee_engage_range = 1;
ranged_engage_range = 2;
sight_range = 10;
flee_distance = 6;
com_range = 0;
[water_effects] {}


volkan's picture

Cool idea Kathy!! Let me check the template and I'll see if I can find anything. BBL.

Edit: Might want to change

	category_name = "1W_character";
	doc = "puppy";
	specializes = actor_good;

	doc = "puppy";
	specializes = actor_ambient;
    	category_name = "1W_ambients";

Strider978's picture

His portrait won't show up because the camera is set to take a picture of him at the wrong height, i believe. The way I understand it, and I might be confused, is that when you create a character or summon a character the game has a camera it uses to take a snapshot of them, now as all the characters are different sizes, it obviously can't be in the same place so a gas, file is used to control the coordinates for each character.

Check out Snowfox's playable Goblin character, there is a gas file in there somewhere, which one it is you'll have to forgive me but it contains the nessacary info needed to set up his portrait correctly.

volkan's picture

Strider978 wrote:
Check out Snowfox's playable Goblin character, there is a gas file in there somewhere, which one it is you'll have to forgive me but it contains the nessacary info needed to set up his portrait correctly.

Camera settings are located at ui/config/character_camera.

The portrait might not be showing because of Mesh Textures as well.

thanks for the input. Smile I am going to keep working on him, and since he isn't a playable character I am not sure about the camera. NPCs have their own portraits in the gui folder, where his is. His texture is RAW, so don't think that is the problem either. The game is treating him as a hero, (which is the same class as the packmule) so I think I have to look at my template more and so on.

Don't know how much I am going to get done....the gas company is here. They came to do a routine inspection, but apparently there is a gas leak so they are down there working on it. Life sucks.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

volkan's picture

Hope you don't get frustrated and give up on it, because that's one of the coolest, most unique ideas for a summon/pet I've seen to date.

may need to put in inventory so it will have one

[inventory] { grid_height = 13; grid_width = 12; is_pack_only = true; }

since its a summon, may want to look at the summontheforge mod, pack dog, etc and use one of the skrits from the spells in it.

So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!

Yep, I was thinking about the inventory thing myself. Charietto sent me the information about adding that into the template, in addition to look over the packdog template from summon the forge.

It was funny last night, because I was trying to get him to fight. It took some coaxing to get him to go up and attack because he always wants to just run away from danger, but he did. Once he started, he was quite persistent. He was fighting these cyclops and doing like TEENEY amounts of damage, so I just sat there and watched for about 10 minutes while I filed my nails. Of course, this is testing so Toto was invincible, as those cyclops would have squashed him flat in about 2 seconds. So there he is, growling and biting their ankles ^^ and I get this message from the game: "Toto has just increased in strength!". I am wondering if I need to fix something about that, because packmules never get messages like that, even though they can level up. It is tricky, because he is an animal, yet a party member. Plus I goofed with his intelligence...I had wanted it to be 8, but since he is being treated as a "hero" the base intelligence should be 10, and if you make it 8 then of course you get 18. I was wondering why his mana was so high (229)...turns out that is one *smart* little dog. Laughing out loud He made my elf look like a halfwit!

But I think he is really cute, and I want to work on him some more. The gas people have finally yay. Now I can get some "work" done.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

volkan's picture

Might try making a "base" template for Toto as well, ie: base_dwarf etc. Love this idea Kathy. Cute enough for the "Chicks Game" and cool enough for the "Manly Mod"

in [mind]
may want to change the following from true to false
on_enemy_entered_ocz_flee = false;

unlike mules which are cowardly animals, dogs will fight till death if have too, not that we want Toto to die, but at least the real dogs i have seen are very loyal to their masters

So it has been written, and so it shall cometh to pass! Quothe The Darkelf, forevermore!