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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

More Screenies

Aceria Rubra in Nature's Vigilance set and Aceria Rubra with "Curving Stream" ritual staff (attached).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Still Testing Screenshot Uploads

Does the stuff on the cave wall look like Hak'u carvings to anyone but me?

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Another Screenie (Test)

Here we are in the Calennor Wood. Let's see if the upload works in a new blog entry...


Toto too....

Well, let me just say I had the idea for a Toto mod since about Feb 2006...but had no idea how to do anything about it. So, now...yay for modding!

Right now I gave him a people inventory, with the attendent problems of not being able to equip armor/weapons in addition to needing to revise his skills and screen class. He can equip rings and amulets of course, so I can make some to compensate for the armor and weapons issue. I know there are a couple of mods floating around that use skrit to prevent auto equipping.

While I know it would make much more sense to have Toto be simply a pack animal, I thought the idea of him being a "real" party member to be pretty funny. ^^ (and of course if I had kept him as simply a summon I know I would not even have to worry about inventories and portaits at all. But oh well. Wink )


And your little dog too!

So, I always thought the little white dogs that roam around Arhok were kind of cute. I thought if they were dark, they would look sort of like Toto from the movieThe Wizard of Oz.

So I made a new texture for a little black dog...except he really is more of a grey color. Here he is with the original little white dog.

A Chick's game?

My boyfriend complained the other day. He was shopping at the Droog village and saw a good piece of armor...high armor rating, plus this particular piece added one to dexterity. Problem is, Gyorn would look funny in "Pink Mini". He grumbled and I said not to blame me, it wasn't one of my armors. Wink So he says "You and Lili turned Dungeon Siege into a chick's game". ^^ I retorted that wasn't true and that the regular armor in the game was pretty much masculine looking anyway. "Yea, yea" he says. It got me thinking about the amor, though. I have Lili's Girl armor, Old Lady armor, plus a small set she emailed me last summer. I am of course also using my Daughter of Macha mod, plus another one I made called Spring Armor. I can't complain about never finding anything to wear now...if only real life was so easy.


Paisley and the Kings

Paisley is is roaming around the Realm of Kings map totally clueless and wondering if anyone might provide a clue. The only quest I have gotten thus far is to let some lady in Dronmar know her brother is coming along. The brother doesn't look he has any intention of doing anything but standing around, but that is besides the point. I am currently on the way to Thorndale or Thornvale after cleaning out Aeonoth Ruins. So, is there any point to this besides endless mobs?

Don't get me wrong, it is a nice looking map and all, but I have started it a few times and it gets sort of tiresome just wandering around clearing areas and picking money up. Am I missing something? Does anybody remember anything about this map?



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