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Don't be a WHAT?? and other Internet adventures.

So this afternoon I am browsing this site called Spoonflower.The site is kinda cool, you create a design and they will make fabric (lots of different fabrics, for everything from quilting to swimwear, curtains, dresses and fleecey stuff), plus wallpaper or giftwrap. It's rainy and gross out and I have a cold, so just amusing myself. You never know what cool fabric you can find for a DS armor mod or other projects.


Apologies for the absence --- again.

Normally I wouldn't post about this (as it happens often) unless the circumstances warrant it. As some of you may or may not have noticed I've been away for a while once again.
Without getting too much into the details as to "Why", I'm sure you at least understand that occasionally life likes to fight you every step of the way.


A singer and a TV show

Tonight I discovered a singer that has been around for 25 years! Her name is Ani Difranco. This is a link to her singing the song "Which Side Are You On"
I discovered her on a television show called Infinity Hall Live which can be found on PBS well worth looking into. You can actually watch any of the shows on your computer.


Araknuum's picture

Alaskan Uncle

I've been in Alaska at my sister's since the end of August. She has 2 boys, ages 21 months and 6 months, just babies. I've been helping her with them and every other household thing, and having a great time! My Brother-in-law works all day so it's just us and the kids. Because of the time consuming nature of raising babies and such, I haven't been on DS at all this month. I'm still taking notes and drafting ideas, but the execution of any such is delayed until I'm back home. I still visit here at least once a day, and I've not lost my desire to mod and play DS.


Stonebridge Bar and Grill

So I haven't played ds for quite some time, so when Arakuun made the Edgaar mod for me I figured I would start a new campaign. Here is the gang hanging out in Stonebridge. They declined going drinking with Dork...I mean Zed so just chilling.


My computer is out to get me

DS1 re-installed: check
Patch installed: check
Mods: Revived 0.9, girl armor 5
LoA installed: check
Mods: cute_gitl for LoA, legend of Utrea 3.2

DS2 reinstalled: check
Mods: DE's GiantGnome, Bare_elf's armor and weapons pack, Volkan's better loot

Broken World : InstallShield Error -6002
no internet connection to check, Temp files cleared, no other progeams running.

I am starting to thing a 12lb Sledgehammer might be of use :bat:


Fixed LOA, Broke Legends(again)

The LOA problem turned out fairly easy, just had to move DS1/LOA out of programs(86x), set compatibility to vista pack 2 AND turn of run as administrator.

Legends did not like that :censored: :censored: :censored:

tried installing DS1 and LOA in original location(giving me 2 copies of those) then re-installed Legends

still getting no xp when playing the non-DS2 maps :censored: Dwarf



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