Hurricane Asshat |
Submitted by kathycf on Sun, 2020-08-09 01:27 | ||
So Hurricane Isaias "stormed" blogs: |
The right and wrong mask for the pandemic |
Submitted by bare_elf on Sat, 2020-08-08 03:37 | ||
As I do most days pandemic or not I either go for a run or ride my bicycle. I always carry a mask, and wear it whenever I stop around people or when I go into a shop. Most other people in my area do that as well. Some do not, but given time they will die off like people who win the Darwin Awards. However some silly people have no idea the mask should cover the mouth and nose, Saw a family wearing masks that you might wear to a costume party that covered their upper face. blogs: |
Amazon kind of creeped me out |
Submitted by kathycf on Wed, 2020-07-08 02:44 | ||
I ordered a Kindle Paperwhite from Amazon several days ago. It's been really nice, better than I expected. Normally I'm sort of "old school" with reading. I like the feel of holding the book and curling up and reading. Local libraries have been closed for months and I was getting really frustrated. My sister suggested the Kindle Reader for the computer, which I liked. But...can't curl up somewhere with the computer and read. Kinda awkward. blogs: |
Almost 1/2 a year gone. |
Submitted by bare_elf on Fri, 2020-07-03 02:02 | ||
I can not believe it is already July second. I guess I have been so busy with other things like pandemics and racism that I missed it. It could also be that every day is the same because of the above. Nothing seems to change other than can you bring your reusable bags to the grocery store. First it was we will charge you a dime for a plastic grocery bag so bring your own reusable bag. Then it was plastic bags are free, because we could catch the virus from the reusable bags. blogs: |
Other Games: Lord of the Rings Online |
Submitted by kathycf on Wed, 2020-06-24 23:51 | ||
Hey guys - looonnggg blog entry alert. blogs: |
Family tree and a pic |
Submitted by kathycf on Thu, 2020-05-21 03:28 | ||
So what do you guys know about your family history? I actually don't know all that much. My sister emailed me the other day about a trial account she had at I logged in w/ her info and searched around. She found more stuff than I did, but I did get a picture of my mum from her high school yearbook. I have never seen her yearbook, I don't know if she lost it or what. ![]() blogs: |
May the 4th be with you! |
Submitted by bare_elf on Mon, 2020-05-04 18:11 | ||
Happy Starwars Day. blogs: |