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Best books you will never read....

I started a thread elsewhere about made up book titles and authors. Just real reason I suppose. Laughing out loud Figured I would share some with any book lovers here.

Behind the Refrigerator door: A mystery by J. Swanky Swankerman

Showerstall Mildew

Self help section:
Oh, poo, nobody cares: A guide to writing better forum Kathy Crybaby-Fanshiskabob.

From the Modern romance section:
Plain Cotton Brasserie by Hootie McBoob. (I got that name from an episode of the Simpsons. )



There is an old saying that goes something like this:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Now of course, this can be taken too far. Sometimes in the course of events we must offer constructive criticism or feedback to address an issue. People should not ask for feedback if they are unable to handle getting it. However, it really annoys me when somebody says something rude, simply for the sake of being rude. This happened to me twice today, on two seperate websites. I don't get it. True, I am not perfect but I don't see the sense in insulting people just because I can.


Poor DS1 Farmgirl....

Poor Farmgirl, it isn't her fault the game designers decided to make armor look so ugly on her. Even pretty colors and flowers don't help all that much. I made up a few new armors to try out.

Some examples of a5 and a6 armor on a few different female characters: Elfgirl, Catmansion girl and Farmgirl.

Lady Blue...this one isn't horrible on Farmgirl, but it isn't all that great either.


It's out...

I released my very first armor mod available for download at Herena Forge. (Actually, it is my very first mod of any kind...)

Here is the link to the Wiki to read more about it:

Screenshots of many items are in my image gallery:


Uh oh!

A couple of screenshots from the "Summon the Forge" mod. Lots of fun!

Feel the wrath of pink bunnies, summoned by the Mistress of Pink Bunnies. ^^

Watch out for those Firebats, they are Dutch! :P Wink

Sharkull's picture

DS/DS2 Modding: the Big Picture (draft)

I thought of writing this document a long time ago, and decided to sketch out some of the basics as a start... not sure if I'll ever complete it, so here's what I have so far. I originally envisioned embedded links for each subject / external resource, ideally with all the site's modding tutorials linked from this one document (this acting as a sort of overview / tutorial index).

Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome. Smile

DS/DS2 Modding: the Big Picture (an introduction for newbie's)


- on the gaming front..

I'm still bashing away in my other two fave games Oblivion and X3:The Reunion

- and I'm eagerly looking forward to the end of this month as on the 30th, the definitive X3:The Reunion Game Of The Year Edition (version 2) comes out.. it's got all the updates and improvements as well as the Bala-Gi add-in..

- I took this shot in X3, 'cos it gives some idea of the sheer size of the X-Universe
- there's a video available for download here..


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