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kathycf's blog

Creepy part two

I watched the movie Poltergeist as a kid on VHS tape. Anyone remember vhs? It's creepy that I'm old enough to remember vhs. Shock

Anyway, it was quite a scary film for its time. One of the creepiest scenes is set in the kitchen where somebody leaves a steak out on the counter. The meat starts crawling like an inchworm across the counter before erupting into a mass of maggots. Ugh!


Five days of creepy pt 1

Counting today, there are five days until Halloween, so I decided to post things that give me the creeps.

Look deep into his eyes. Careful, lest his eyes look back at you... :nervous:



I always liked how skeletons wear their hats at a rakish angle. Smile


Like his shirt?

Does it look familiar?

Dungeon Siege modding is fun, you can take it with you in another game. Smile


Ouch, that hurts


*sigh* Obligatory text since harsh wasn't enough words. Curse you, 10 word minimum! :girlwerewolf:


Fearsome tiger tackles deer

So fierce!

I don't know who took this photo but they must be brave indeed.


Where is Geordie?

Does anyone know where Geordie is?

PS I have a youtube channel now, just bursting with youtubiness! Or not, as I just have the one video.



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