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kathycf's blog

We'll have none of your puns, young lady!

But...but...they're so very cute!

(the critters, not the puns Tongue )



Hit and Run

Hey, happy Fall everybody. Laughing out loud

Some time ago, I was goofing around and decided to take level 20 Phaedrial for an adventure in Chilltown. My bow has a range of 18 meters, so I was able to attract the attention of a big, cranky skeleton long distance so his friends weren't butting in.

I went around the town about a zillion times...shoot run shoot run run
Oh crap! he caught me! Ruuuuuunnn, swat, fall over unconscious, get up and shoot run some more.

I must say, Phaedrial looked lovely in her outfit, showing that fun armor and slaying skeletons are not mutually exclusive. Smile


Deep Thoughts....not!

Deep thoughts...

Sometimes Life is about pants vs. no pants.

Hats are a must for deep thinking.



Geordie's Movie Debut

I downloaded Fraps a bit ago, and have been playing around with it. I am way too cheap to shell out $37 for the full version so I can only record 30 seconds at a time.

I had to string the clips together and try to make the files smaller so the video quality is meh and voice is a bit choppy.

But it's all in fun. Laughing out loud Clicking on the picture will take you to photobucket to view the clip.


The Importance of being Eyebrowed

I believe I left something off of this young lady's face. My guy tells me I am too nit picky, but she just doesn't look right without eyebrows.

Change of topic:

Today is the first day of Summer (in this hemisphere ;), anyway) so Happy Summer, people.


Caturday Night

Did you ever get a song stuck in your head? Whether you like the song or not, there it is...endlessly running through your mind. You haven't had this experience? Here let me help you, because I'm JUST that nice. Laughing out loud

Anyway, in the spirit of Caturday, here is what things are usually like in my house. Wink


March Movie Madness

I should say April instead of March, but April movie madness just doesn't have that zing.

So. My dad has lent me a whole bunch of movies and shows and I just got through with Season 1 of Downton Abbey and moving on to Prime Suspect. I television viewing is JUST SO INTERESTING, nay RIVETING. Tongue



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