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Do you like robes?

I like robes...loads of robes. "Just Robes" is a mod I made back in 2013, but I updated some stuff and repackaged it. I know, hardly anyone plays DS1/LOA, but I spent so much time (mostly making icons *grumble*) that I thought I would see if anyone else likes robes. They're mostly "girly" looking robes, but there are several that look good on male characters.

A preview of some robes and what they look like on various Dungeon Siege models:



Dwarven Lass, Updated.

New version of the dwarfgirl mod-updated:

I decided to eliminate the default shirts for dwarfgirl from the global shirts file and replace them with all custom shirts. The default ones were kind of blah. If you don't update the mod, those shirts will still work as they are stock DS itmes. If you do update, be sure to remove the old version of the mod.


Dungeon Siege Blah?

I'm referring to the armor. When I first played the game, I had no idea of mods. I enjoyed the game play, but wanted my characters to look more...feminine? I get that Dungeon Siege takes that whole egalitarian approach with their armor, but still...blah. When doing some research on the web, I came across Bare_Elf's Girl armor and Old Lady armor at Herena Forge. Yay! Finally some cool and colorful looking stuff. I was later inspired by her to create some of my own mods.


Sun, Sand, and AAAAAGGGHHH

Was enjoying the Endless dunes

Overlooked that some areas where inhabited :wacko:

Now where did I put the cookbook for Drakes and "How to make Drakeskin armor" :bat:


A Dwarven Lass

When I first saw the dwarf girl mod, it made me nostalgic for when I used to play World of Warcraft. One of the first characters I leveled was a dwarf girl named Largemarge. So I looked over the mod and saw this:

DDLullu wrote:
My version of a dwarfgirl for DS1:

I took the male dwarf and squeeze his body mesh to be more female look.
Then i took the farmgirl'heads, put the squeleton of the dwarf male in
them, rewrite the weights and position (a program did it,work very well).

This is a test version because it's easier to do in ds1 , we have gmax,

Araknuum's picture

Trial By Design

The last couple weeks have been very different from my norm. I've barely touched DS, except in the Siege Editor, mapping. I still have a thousand thousand questions about how DS works, how it can be used to make a game, and those questions are getting more specific as I imagine, and learn.

Is being Dead in Multiplayer, as a ghost, a game mechanic that can be used to complete quests or puzzles?

Can DS support more complicated animations? The kind needed in order to make more active FMV's or in game interactions?



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