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idle they are

No one moving anywhere. Last post on the site was mine over a day ago. Dropped in to the IRC channel several people there but also idle. Oh I do see people and get messages but I are bored
time to go make some armor.



It's a Boy!

:welcome: I'd like to announce that we've a new edition to the family. Yesterday my wife delivered Emmanuel Gabriel Ryan, 7 lb 1 oz or 3.28kg.

Both mother and baby are doing fine and should be home tomorrow. All would be fantastic but I came home this morning to find that the hot water service is kaput. Oh well, it doesn't compare with having good health of your loved ones.


last day for now

My internet expires today, so went to Internet place to renew and it is now closed, so wont be able to have internet at home... so will be going to library 1-2 times a week, but library doesn't allow uploading and downloading, so no Mods will be updated any time soon...



How neat would it be to have DS mobs in MC? Just a fun thought I had. Was wandering through the jungle and realized "This place needs some freaking Hak'u."

I think I'm going to build some DS-inspired stuff.

Suggestions? I'm going to try to build the Teleporters first, even if they'll be a wee bit bigger than normal.

Maybe a couple of those dragon-flown troop crates that you see at the beginning. That'd be neat.
Morden Towers!


An Idea

I was thinking about making some item that could be used by any character class -- I now know how to do this.
It is a simple change to the gui section of any template.
Add or change the line use_class = IST_ALL;
change the equipment requirement from whatever to uber equip_requirements = uber:#item_level - 2.0;

I have tested this with several ranged weapons, melee weapons, and armor items. Not sure if it would be useful, who knows.


There is no air in a vacuum

I am not sure why vacuum cleaners do not explode. If there is no air or at least very little air in a vacuum then it would stand to reason that the inside of the vacuum cleaner would have an air pressure of near zero and the external air pressure around the vacuum cleaner at sea level would be around 14 pounds per square inch. Therefore the vacuum should implode just as a submarine does when it goes below its dive depth. Go figure that one out.

Remember whatever the temperature of the room you are in is, it is always room temperature.



I'm going to give starting a map from scratch another go. I've failed to complete them many times. Hopefully I'll have something released. I plan to do pre-releases as I go due to the the high failure rate. They can be edited or picked up by other modders. I decided to do this since I'm bored with the DS2 map and its design.



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