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Riddle #3

Thirty white horses
On a red hill
First we champ
Then we stamp
Then we stand still
What are we?


Riddle #2

Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. What is it?


Riddle #1

What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour?


A glitch or what?

What does this mean for Aranna? Have the Utreans resumed their genetic experiments? Or has some local doofus forgotten to remove resources from her folder again? I just don't know! :nervous:


It happens from time to time.

Do Not Panic People. Spam happens from time to time. We the staff do not spend every minute of every day on the site. We come when we can and when we do we remove the spam. We could make it harder to become a member and to post things, however we found that was counter productive. Forcing people to enter a code and a password for every post they wanted to make just is not practical, so live with the occasional spam because it will be remove within a few hours of getting posted.


Based on what steam users have said...

There is more than just the version number mismatch. I am starting to believe that there is content missing from the Steam versions of both DS1 and DS2. Why do I think this you ask?


People wonder why I hate steam?

Not the steam from a steam room, coffee pot, bathtub but the steam that supplies games.

1. They change the revisions of games for no reason at all. Example Dungeon Siege 1 has a retail version number of 1.11.1462 or below
The steam version is 2.0 There is no difference in the size of any of the game files.
2. They store the game in a folder of their own instead of where it should go.
3. Their tech support sucks and they will not answer any logical questions as to why they changed the version numbers of DS1 and DS2 or why they do not have a version of broken world oh well



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