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kathycf's blog

A glitch or what?

What does this mean for Aranna? Have the Utreans resumed their genetic experiments? Or has some local doofus forgotten to remove resources from her folder again? I just don't know! :nervous:


I'm a little concerned...

Is this the cabin of a serial killer?

He has what appears to be a pile of furs under his counter with an arm sticking out of it (along the bottom left of the "brown "furs" or whatever that is) :nervous: ; not to mention a big fricking HEAD sitting on the shelf.

I feel...mildly disturbed.



So playing a game of LoU and just picked up Tajj in Meren and I was wondering where are his people ? I remember in the old Legends of Aranna campaign having to find Najj's people and they were in a swamp.

Since I am traipsing through the Cloud Forest on hte way to Lang I thought I would ask...Are the Half giants in the swamp around Lang? I remember wandering around there for quite some time a couple of years ago and never found them.

Here we are on the beach in Meren, taking a break from adventuring:


The dangers of RPGs!

Very dangerous! Lots of exclamation points!!!!11

Crazed baboons are really a downer when playing fantasy

role playing games and should be avoided. You've been warned, nerds.

(disclaimer: I am using "nerd" in a completely facetious manner! Don't get mad, ner...I mean people...don't get angry, people!)


Professor Sorenson, the head of a university med
school, organizes a live-action role playing game for several
of his students using the laboratory building after hours. But



I thought I would cheer myself up today with a bit of modding. I took the shoe model from the work the talented folks at Team Archon created and adapted it for me. Because hey... shoes. ^^



Here and There

I know I haven't been contributing much lately, and now I feel I might not be logging in so very often. My Dad is in the hospital with pulmonary embolism (a fancy way of saying blood clot in the lung). He is responding well to treatment so hopefully he can go home soon, but I gotta say I am feeling pretty frazzled.


Happy New Year

...and a Merry Christmas...

Better late than never, right? Laughing out loud

Here's hoping for a prosperous and healthy New Year for everybody.
. Dungeon Siege Holiday attire, well kind of.



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