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The Ultimate Mod

I know I've basically done this post before, but I wanted to post a more development-centric blog and maybe ask help for the mod.

Presently, these are the implemented changes/mods
Pixie/Fairy Fix
Increased Gold Cap

So yeah, it's not much but I'm nevertheless proud of it... but there's a lot more I need/want to do with this compilation/mod, and here they are.


Playing with DS2 Wolfies (v8)

Hi DE,
I decided to try out the DS2 Wolves. They are very cool and I have in my party both blacky and snowy. Using my test map I fed them until they where unable to eat another bite. When full grown I did find them a bit overwhelming, do to their size. They are taller than my Human and Dryad characters.
Not an issue because the bad guys take one look and quickly run away or hide


WolfyDEds2 A8, pack #2

So I now have 2 wolf packs running Dance Big smile


WolfyDEds2 A8,

I did notice Cotton Candy(I think that's the one) has a ranged attack range of ZERO Shock

Earthquake Aura has a duration of twice that of a Fist of Stone but does well less then half as much damage.


Wolves on the Lose

Playing with Ha'ku

Raptor Snacks Crazy Big smile


Wolfydeds2 a4 notes

Looking good Cheer


Hey guys

Hey everybody-

So things have been kind of up in the air for me lately. I think I mentioned that my cat, Stanley (15 1/2 years of age)is diabetic. He has had that for about a year and was doing really well. Then about a month ago his appetite started decking,,, bot horribly, at first just more off than on.



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